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Supporting Fertility

Writer's picture: Joanne Callan Joanne Callan

I really feel for couples who find themselves in this position and yet I am delighted that this Client has reached out and asked for information and support as there are so many things that can help.

As a Holistic Therapist who supports people on their Fertility Journey I am familiar with couples who find themselves in the very difficult position that when they start trying to conceive things don’t go according to plan.

Thankfully there are many things that can be done to help and as I know there are many people in this situation I wanted to share some general advice. If you have specific concerns please get in touch and you can book a Fertility Consultation.

Prevention is easier than cure, you are never to early or too late to start looking after your reproductive health.

There are 3 Main Parts to a Healthy Pregnancy. Sperm Quality, Egg Quality & Womb Health and despite what is commonly believed Sperm Issues are very often the problem.

There are a number of things to consider when it comes to Sperm health (I always recommending keeping phones out of pockets)

If you are or have been using Hormonal Contraceptive I highly recommend reading the book Beyond the Pill A 30 Day Program to Balance Your Hormones, Reclaim Your Body, and Reverse the Side Effects of the Birth Control Pill – Dr Jolene Brighten (author)

There are many different reasons that a couple may experience difficulty conceiving and experiencing a healthy and happy pregnancy. These reasons may be physical, emotional or energetic.

The first key step is often getting both partners to a place of perfect health & well being.

I love using affirmations particularly when we are faced with challenging or stressful suggestions.

Nutrition is also vital and by Nutrition I don't just mean a calorie controlled diet. I mean consciously eating a diet that is rich in the nutrients that you need for optimal womb, egg & sperm health. Remember Healthy Parents = Healthy Parents and you really want to be in optimum health before and during pregnancy and as parents.

My Be Balanced Package contains: The 7 Steps Guide To Healthy Eating - An Introduction to Nutrition and Mindful Eating, Immune Booster Pack with 24 Delicious & Nutritious Recipes & MP3 Version of Be Balanced Health & Well Being Affirmations.

This is all you need to kick start your Be Balanced Health & Well Being Journey.

Gut Health is essential as toxic waste in the digestive system can create other imbalances in the body. I recommend taking a good quality Pro Biotic & incorporating Fermented foods into your diet. (If you have food intolerances carefully consider what foods you add into your diet.)

Here are the ones I recommend:


This isn't about short term or even about food detoxing it is about reducing chemicals that your body is exposed to, things like Cleaning Products, Personal Hygiene Products (in particular Parabens for both men and women.) I sell and use Neals Yard Products and highly recommend making small changes, even it is Shower Gel and Deodorant. More info on Chemicals to avoid or reduce.

Menstrual Products: Changing to Re-Usable or Organic Disposable Menstrual Products can be a very significant part of reproductive health. Check out my Social Enterprise

Conscious Conception

The term 'conscious conception' is the idea of setting the intention of creating and holding a loving space to call in your baby. It's important to remember that your journey is sacred and special, no matter how long it takes, or what it takes to get there; bringing a baby into your world is truly a divine experience.

Useful Websites

Cycle Charting

It can be important to chart your cycle (using Fertility Friend) not just to identify ovulation but to help provide important information on your cycle and what might be going on.

If used to pinpoint fertile days, please beware of focusing on these days as the only days you are intimate with your partner. This approach can often put additional strain on a couple and they loose the magical benefits of fun and intimacy.

This can make for a very stressful time and babies rarely choose to be conceived in stressful situations as the body just isn't receptive. I recommend that all woman chart their cycle in a way that helps them to understand themselves in many different ways. The Optimized Woman by Mirandra Gray and Code Red by Lisa Lister explains this is in more detail.


Physical Charting:

Meditation & Well Being

Insight Timer


The Journey by Brandon Bays - A way on understanding how our emotions can impact on our physical body.

The Woman Code Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source By Alisa Vitti

Code Red – Lisa Lister - Know Your Flow, Unlock Your Superpowers, and Create a Bloody Amazing Life. Period

Women's Bodies, Women Wisdom- Dr Christiane Northrup

Therapies such as Reflexology, Acupuncture and other Holistic Therapies can also be very beneficial.

Best wishes best your new journey ahead.

Please do get in touch if I can be of help or you would like a Private Fertility Consultation




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